
Friday 15 June 2012

Pikachu Birthday Cake – 2012

Pikachu Birthday Cake for CHRISTOPHER 6th Birthday!!

This is the first Cake I made for my younger boy Christopher 6th birthday!! He loves it so much!

Every time he saw this picture of the cake, he will always says, ”Oh, Pikachu…My Birthday Cake, Mum, can you make it again!! Pretty pretty, please!” That’s something I can be proud of!

Well Done myself~~ hehe

Tools: 8 inches round cake tin



A: 蛋黃80g; 細砂糖10g,;柳橙汁(或水) 70g,;沙拉油60g; 低筋麵粉(過篩)80g; 1/8 小匙.

B: 蛋白150g; 細砂糖50g; 檸檬汁7.5cc


1.     將柳橙汁;沙拉油;細砂糖;鹽依序倒入鋼盆.

2.    使用打蛋器混合均勻.

3.    低筋麵粉過篩,加入作法2.

4.    快速的從中間往外圍輕拌均勻.

5.    之後再加進蛋黃拌勻(此為A).

1.     蛋白加入細砂糖;檸檬汁.
2.    用電動攪拌器打至全發(此為B).

1.     先取B鋼部分的蛋白(1/2)A,用攪拌器稍微混合.再倒回B.
2.    由下往上快速翻拌均勻.倒入模型.
3.      輕敲讓空氣排出.
4.    入烤箱180oC左右需烤35-40分鐘.
5.    完成烤焙後取出.倒扣放涼後.脫模.

Pokemon Balls Cake pops:

I follow Bakerella, so check out her site for the real deal .

To make the Pikachu:

Melt the color chocolate. Pour it into piping bags.

1. Turn the Pikachu drawing over. Put on top of a clear plastic sheet.

2. Trace Pikachu drawing with dark liquid chocolate.    

3. Color Pikachu with different coloring chocolate.

4. Let set. Turn chocolate Pikachu over and place on cake.

Assemble everything together…..


Happy 6th Birthday Christopher~~~  

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